Attendance Tracker

An attendance tracking system using VueJS with Flask with facial detection using Tensorflow JS (face-api).

Workflow Diagram

The system consists of three part Entry, Exit, and Logs modules. On entry user details and image of the attendee are captured. Upon exit this image and is compared with the live camera to recognize the user using Face API.


  1. Design is inspired from Museum of the Future official website.
  2. Please wait until system detects your face on entry so that you have better detection chances on exit.
  3. User google chrome for better performance

How to run locally

1. git clone
2. cd AttendanceTracker

Frontend commands to run

3. cd /vuejs-client
4. npm i
5. npm run serve

Backend Commands to run

4. cd /flask-server
5. mkdir static
6. pip install pipenv
7. pipenv shell
8. pipenv install
9. python
10. python app.dy

Packages Used

Articles to checkout


Home Page
Entry Page
Exit Page
Logs Page

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